Guide to using the KST in Family Sculpture - enlarged, with color photos. Guide's Table of Contents: Theoretical Foundations; Benefits of the Kvebaek Sculpture; Applications: Direct work with Clients; Supervision, Consultation, Research; Getting Started; The Strengths Assessment/Resource Map; The Sociogram Grid; Case Examples, more.
New development: the Manual, Guide to Using the Kvebaek Sculpture Technique, is now available in thumb drive or CD. In addition to the original Guide, we include eight short QuickTime Movies featuring David Kvebaek, Julie Thorsheim, and a Marriage & Family Therapist and a psychologist, who were co-presenters with Thorsheim at a Representational Sculpturing Workshop. These videos enhance and deepen understanding of the broad range of applicability of family sculpture. You will see and hear practitioners using the KST with children and families. As a bonus, also included is archival footage, filmed in Norway, of the inventor of the Kvebaek Sculpture Tool and Test (KFST or KST) late in the lifetime of David Kvebaek, as he provided instruction to Julie Thorsheim, founder of KST Associates, during her professional visits to Oslo. All this is now available with your choice of CD or thumb drive!